Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

If you try to find Luxury Handbag Brand in Indonesia, you should to see the collection of KYRA. A Luxury Handbag Designer brand comes from South Jakarta, Indonesia. Since 2012 KYRA launch the collection and get the attention from the country all around the world. Japan, Korea, until Middle East knew KYRA as a Precious leather handbags brand that have it’s own designer and always being innovative through the collections.

KYRA was born in 2012, the first showroom KYRA is in the designer’s house. The people from oversees came to designer’s house and take the products from there. Some of them are Korean, they very like the design and also the affordable price of KYRA among the another brand. KYRA also very authentic with its own design, new color, and another innovation they made.

Now, KYRA has grown up and have 9 point of sales all over the world. The most is in Middle East, such as Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, and Dubai. In Qatar, KYRA are join at Blue Salon Showroom one of the most famous luxury retailers in Qatar, Doha. In Abu Dhabi, KYRA are available at Chique La Boutique, the Multi brand Store that located around the district of local. Chique La Boutique also having many famous local brand that the profit can support economy for Abu Dhabi itself. In Riyadh, KYRA are available at MIRA Y MANO the luxury retailer that most famous in Riyadh. This is some of pictures that KYRA are available in Middle East Store :

Blue Salon Showroom, Doha

Where to find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA

Blue Salon Showroom – Doha

Managed by Abulssa Holding, Blue Salon has been Qatar’s leading luxury department store for over 3 decade, operating as an luxury retail store by offering the latest in fashion, handbags, watches, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, home decor & travel gear. The industry leader represent hundreds of retail brands in Qatar, including high end fashion handbags, watches, jewelry, perfumes, and more.


Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East


Locate in Prince Turki Bin Abdulaziz Al awwal, Road, Riyadh Mira Y Mano offering a Luxury Handbag Brand from all around the world that held in 1 store, Mira Y Mano has an offer that can ship 24 hours for Riyadh area and exclusive point for those who but in store also online.

Chique La Boutique, Abu Dhabi

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Chique La Boutique – Abu Dhabi

Chique La Boutique is Multi brand boutique that held in the district of Local people. This Boutique retail shop are most famous for Abu Dhabi Local that has many various luxury brand all over the world.

There are 3 of KYRA point of sales in Middle East, there is another store and stockist locator in Middle East also Indonesia. As Luxury Handbag Brand, KYRA always to try to be near in front of you. If you want to find KYRA in Middle East, you have an access to see the collection. If you want to find KYRA by online you can visit the website If you want to see the instagram you can click HERE. If you want to reach KYRA representative by Whatsapp you can click HERE. We are very glad to meet you!




Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia (In Arabic)

Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia (In Arabic)

KYRA كيرا

كيرا هي واحدة من العلامات التجارية العالمية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة منذ عام ١٩٨٥م . كان تركيزنا على الشعور بالبهجة والتفرُّد للأشخاص الذين يحبون حقائب  اليد و يستخدمونها كرفيقة لهم للمساعدة في يومهم. وهي كأفضل علامة تجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة. نحن دائماً نقدم أفضل المواد وأجودها وأحسنها فذلك هو السبب الرئيسي لشراءها واستخدامها منذ ذلك الحين

كيرا كأفضل علامة تجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة تضع ميزتنا التجارية أنها تكون متسقة ومتناسقة ورائعة مع المادة الجلدية الغريبة وألوانها الحادة المتميزة ونقوم أيضًا بتطويرها وتنوعها إضافة للحملات الجديدة كل شهر لإرضاء العملاء ومحبي حقائب اليد الفاخرة الراغبين دائمًا إلى  حقائب اليد الجديدة  وخاماتها الجلدية الغريبة

إذن فهذه بعض الأشياء المفضلة لدينا التي يحبها عملائنا

Luna Square In Burgundy .1

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

هي واحدة من أفضل حقائب اليد مبيعاً لدينا والتي أحبها عملائنا. أحبوا شكل ولون حقيبة لونا ذات اللون الأحمر الممزوج باللون الأسود الذي يمثله حماسهم وسعادتهم ، باعتبارها واحدة من أفضل حقائب اليد الفاخرة

هي حقيبة يد سهلة الحمل لأنها تستخدم قفل أمان ومقبض علوي Luna Square In Burgundy

Valerie In Black Rain Gold .2

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

هي أيضا واحدة من أفضل حقائب اليد مبيعاً في كيرا، كأفضل علامة تجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة. دوما نضع حقيبة الذهب رمزاً ومكانةً لتمثيل مستخدمها ،كما أن الشكل والمظهر يبدوان حادان أيضًا لجعل الحقيبة جريئة وحصرية لدى ماركة حقيبة اليد الفاخرة

Claire In Begie Tan .3

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

كليرهي واحدة من حقائب اليد الصغيرة لدينا ، كلير هي حقيبة كتف ترافق الشخص الذي يستخدمها وتجعله يبدو أنيقًا، نقدم اللون الأسمر كأحد الألوان التي تشهد اتجاهًا صاعدًا حاليًا وهي جذابة للغاية لكثير من الأشخاص وكذلك عشاق الموضة في جميع أنحاء العالم. إذا ألقيت نظرة عن قرب إلى حقيبة كليرهذه فنحن نريد أن نمثلك كشخص يفهم حقًا أسلوب حياته ويستخدم ماركة حقائب اليد الفاخرة كيرا

Leane In Black .4

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

إذا كنت تعتقد أن اقتناء حقيبة الحمل لم يكن أنيقا ، فعليك إعادة التفكير في هذا الأمر،إلى جانب أنها ممزوجة بجلد الثعبان الأسود الذي يجعلها تبدوأنيقة ومكلفه، وهي أيضًا كأفضل علامة تجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة. تطمح كيرا دائماً للأشخاص الذين يستخدمون منتجات كيرا أن يبدوا جريئين وتظهر حالتهم مع هذه الحقائب

Rubby 20 In Hunter Green .5

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

The Best Luxury Handbag Brand

 هذه أيضًا واحدة من أكثر حقائب اليد مبيعا لدينا والتي يحبها عملاؤنا وترافق الأشخاص ذوي الإهتمامات الواسعة،إذا احتجت  يومًا إلى حقيبة تلبي احتياجاتك وتساعدك في حملها وهي أيضا مريحة ومناسبة  ، فإن هذه الحقيبة ذات اللون الأخضر القاتم هي الحل المناسب لك! يمكنك  استخدام ماركة حقائب اليد الفاخرة من كيرا لترافقك يومياً وتحافظ على جميع أغراضك بمساحة كبيرة وفيها العديد من المقصورات

لذلك بعد أن عرفت عن أفضل ٥ حقائب يد مبيعا لدينا ، نريد حقا أن تعرف أن كيرا هي أفضل علامة تجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة التي توفر لك دائمًا أفضل حقيبة يد و حرفة حصرية ومميزة من أجلك فقط! نريد مساعدتك في امتلاكك  حقيبة يد فاخرة بسعر معقول ويسهل الحصول عليها من جميع أنحاء العالم

لذلك إن كان لديك أي استفسارات حول منتجاتنا وتريد التسوق ، فلا تضيع وقتك

Find Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia

Find Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia

Have you ever curious about the Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia ? What kind of handbags that are you searching for? If you willing to buy a handbag when you are in Indonesia, we have a good solutions for you! A Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia that will impressed you all over the night.

As you know Indonesia has 2 million and half peoples with a lot of culture, sub language, and cities. But Indonesia also has a creative people that admit from all over the world. With it’s natural wealth, born the products of fashion, F&B, energy, and etc what we want to say that the people of Indonesia created the masterpiece from the resource they have.

One of the masterpiece brand that comes from Indonesia is KYRA, the handbag designer brand comes from Indonesia with a lot of collection and creativity that comes from young people in Indonesia. KYRA is handbag designer brand based on precious leather material such as python, lizard, croco, and ostrich. KYRA created by Rifky and Shahira in 2012, and was the second generation from CARDINA, one of the largest Indonesia tannery since 1985.

KYRA’s Journey

Find Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia

Find Luxury Handbag Brand from Indonesia


KYRA was born in 2012, the first store KYRA boutique at Rifky’s and Shahira’s House. A lot of customer from Korea, Japan, US, Rusia comes to Warehouse and choose the bags that they want. Later than, in 2015 KYRA first store in Indonesia is at Lotte Shopping Avenue, the Grade A mall located in South Jakarta at the center of city and office building.

Now in 2022, KYRA has 4 point of sales in Jakarta, mostly spread in Grade A mall such as Grand Indonesia, Pacific Place, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Senayan. If you are in Jakarta, Indonesia you can visit KYRA‘s store at Central (Departement Store) – Grand Indonesia, Galeries Lafayette (Dept Store) – Pacific Place, Lotte Shopping Avenue – Handbags Area, Metro (Department Store) – Plaza Senayan. Most of the stockist are in Jakarta Selatan region in the center of city.

If you come to visit our store above, we will very glad to see you! If you want to contact our representative sale in Jakarta you can click this LINK HERE, or if you want to buy from our website you can click LINK HERE, or if you want to see the catalogue on instagram you can click LINK HERE. We are pleased to meet you!


5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

If you planning to Qatar on this World Cup event, you should to know where you have to stay this is the recommendation hotel that you can consider to having a vacation or you are willing to see the world cup as supporter. Hopefully this recommend hotel will be your memorable and most comfort hotel when you in Qatar :

Al Aziziyah Hotel

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

This hotel can be your choice to stay because its very strategic location. You only need about 15 minutes to drive to Villagio Mall and Doha Corniche. The facilities that served are very complete, so you don’y have to worry about anything in the night if you stay in here. The design of this hotel also quite interesting, because it resembles a country house in England with a unique Victorian style. The rooms are also made quite elegant and classy. This hotel also occupied by the host team of 2022 World Cup, The Qatar National team.

The St Regis Doha

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

The hotel that was occupied by Dutch National team during World Cup 2022 could be on your list. It’s suitable for those of you who are on vacation with your beloved family, it sure will be your completed moments when you stay in here.

Don’t worry about getting bored, because this hotel has a direct access to the beach for visitor. You can enjoy the cool breeze and also play in the water in sun. It’s very exciting!

Millenium Central Doha

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

It’s now family friendly hotels, try to stay at Milleniul Central Doha is the good choice for you and family. You can get a combination of comfort and incomparable satisfaction at this hotel. This location is also strategic from several tourist attraction such as Doha Fort. And for the facilities, there is no need to doubt, everything is complete and there is no shortage. It’s really like “sultan” overnight when you are stay in here. And yes, if you are interested with culinary in Qatar, there are many places around this hotels that you should try to eat. It’s very close and practical.

Vichy Celestins Spa Resort

This is the last hotel that we can recommend as far as we know! This time try to stay at the eye-catching Vichy Celestins Spa Resort – Retaj Salwa! You definitely not think this hotel budget is around $80 USD. Starting from the looks of building design and also the room, everything presented attractively. This hotel has also kids club and picnic area that you and your little ones can enjoy. For those of you who wants to let go of fatigue, you can join in the game throwing arrow as target. The heart is full and the wallet are still comfortable

5 Hotel Recommendation That Very Cozy in Qatar

KYRA in Blue Salon, Qatar

And if you are willing to go shopping with Luxury brand, you can go check out Blue Salon at C Ring Rd, Al Sadd, Doha, Qatar. They have many brands in their boutique including KYRA as Luxury Handbag brand that you can find in Qatar. Blue Salon is one of largest retail group company in Qatar that has many unique style in Luxury.  As Luxury Handbag Brand, KYRA are available in the country that has a independent economic and match with the style for those who lives in Qatar. For you who looking for a Luxury Handbag brand when you in Qatar, you better visit Blue Salon and all the branch, they have all our collection from 2015 untill now (2022). If you want to visit our website you can directly visit here , and if you want to see our instagram you can go here, also if you want to chat with us you can directly visit to here ! We are glad to served you !


8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Hi people! World Cup 2022 are already started, this is the first time that World Cup are held in Middle East. Specifically in Qatar, have you know there is a few interesting fact on FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 ? Here is some information we got that you should to know :

  • The First World Cup held in Winter season

World Cup event on previous year are held in May, June, or July. But on this year, the tournament are held in November and December. It is purposes to avoid the scorching summer heat in Qatar. As we know, on summer at Middle East are very hot, even the people of Qatar themselves are often travel out of town in the summer to avoid scorching heat in Qatar.

  • The First World Cup in Arab World

This tournament is also the second World Cup to be Held entirely in Asia, after the 2002 World Cup in South Korean and Japan

  • The World Cup that has stadium close to each other

Qatar is a small country. Moving from one stadium to another is not a big problem because of the very small size of country. Host cities such as Doha, Lusail, Al Wakrah, and Al Rayyan are located nearby. This keeps all of the stadium use for World Cup close together so the team and fans don’t have to fly between games like in other tournaments.

  • The First World Cup Stadium that can be disassembled

The stadium used in World Cup Qatar was built from 974 shipping containers. Later these containers will be dismantled after the tournament and converted into a new waterfront development.

  • Most Small host country

With population of 2,985 million (as of September 2022) and land area of 11,571 square meters, Qatar is the smallest host country ever.

  • The First female referee in World Cup

Football is identified with the world of men. However in 2022 Qatar World Cup, there will be 3 female referee lead the match, namely Yamashita Yoshimi, Salima Mukansangan, and Stephanie Frappart.

  • Unique Logo

The Qatar 2022 World Cup logo has the shape of 2 circles that resemble the number 8. This year World Cup mascot is named La’eeb which taken from the Arabic word for “Very talented player”. The number 8 describes the 8 stadium that will be used in World Cup 2022. Meanwhile, indentation dives from the top circle to the bottom, depicting the waves of desert dunes that make up the landscape of the bay country. In addition, the logo at the form of number 8 has unlimited line as infinity symbol. This illustrates the World Cup 2022 which is expected to be enjoyed by all levels of society around the world.

  • The World Cup ball are special made from Indonesia

The Al Rihla is official ball of Qatar 2022 and it’s the specially design for World Cup 2022 and reported as the fastest ball in the air. We as Indonesian people are proud that it’s the first time of Indonesia to create the ball that official for World Cup event.

If you are in Qatar right now and willing to buy some gift for family, you can visit Blue Salon at Doha, Blue Salon is the showroom of Luxury brand such as KYRA. We are available in Blue Salon Group that spread in many place such Blue Salon Showroom in Al Sadd, Doha, Takara Accessories Mall of Qatar, Takara Accessories The Pearl , and Highland the Mall. KYRA are available at all Blue Salon branch mention above. As Luxury Handbag Brand we are trying to be availabe in every country especially in Middle East. So if you are searching for gifts for you beloved one and family you should visit BlueSalon and Group so you can find us there. Or maybe you can directly visit our website here, reach us on Whatsapp here, or you can visit our instagram here. We are very glad to meet you!










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