
If you feeling bored with all your stuff including fashion and you want to try another brands or handbags, you better look for Luxury Handbag Brand named KYRA that came from Indonesia. It’s the Handbag Designer brand based on precious leather such python, crocodile, lizard, and ostrich.

KYRA is a handbag designer brand that produce a daily handbag also special occasion. KYRA was born in 2012 and has various collection until now. The main Collection are released for twice a year, and the mini collection release at Eid Fitr and Eid Adha. KYRA now has more than 8 point of sales in the world, including Middle East such as Qatar, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Riyadh. KYRA are based in Indonesia and produce the bags in Indonesia. With the experienced more than 35 years, KYRA produce all the handbags that fits into their market.

Here is some of KYRA handbags design that best seller in International Worldwide :


Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

Luna is one of best seller design since it launched. Luna comes from My Dream Collection 2016, a boxy structured bag with simple elegant sling or shoulder bag and a strong simple bag that can refresh your outfit. With a signature closure lock that can be protect the whole things inside your bags.

Rubby Small
Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

Rubby small is best seller DIVA since it launch, in 2016. Rubby Small comes from My Dream Universe collection together with Luna, Valerie, Lauren, and Alana. Rubby is cutest design with multi function that the side can be open to gain more interior spacious. With unique and strong 3 layers magnetic closure, Rubby can held all your stuff with safe and confident.

Rubby Cross

Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

Which Luxury Handbag Brand that fits your style

You can always identified Rubby bag by its unique three layers closure as seen on the front of Rubby Cross. It’s has a structured silhouette with zipped interior pocket and medium open pocket to secure small items. Carry it as a shoulder bag, cross body, or style it as shoulder with belt bag at once. As Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA always create the stylish design and yet multi function at same time. Rubby Cross was launched in 2019 on IL VIAGGIO collection, together with Luna Square, Rubby Micro, and Jade.

These are the three of best KYRA, As Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA always try to available in your side. if you want to find KYRA in Indonesia you can try to visit our store by see the list information from our website at, or if you want to see the catalogue on instagram you can visit HERE or if you want to order by Whatsapp and reach our sales representative you can visit HERE. We are glad to meet you!



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