Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

If you try to find Luxury Handbag Brand in Indonesia, you should to see the collection of KYRA. A Luxury Handbag Designer brand comes from South Jakarta, Indonesia. Since 2012 KYRA launch the collection and get the attention from the country all around the world. Japan, Korea, until Middle East knew KYRA as a Precious leather handbags brand that have it’s own designer and always being innovative through the collections.

KYRA was born in 2012, the first showroom KYRA is in the designer’s house. The people from oversees came to designer’s house and take the products from there. Some of them are Korean, they very like the design and also the affordable price of KYRA among the another brand. KYRA also very authentic with its own design, new color, and another innovation they made.

Now, KYRA has grown up and have 9 point of sales all over the world. The most is in Middle East, such as Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, and Dubai. In Qatar, KYRA are join at Blue Salon Showroom one of the most famous luxury retailers in Qatar, Doha. In Abu Dhabi, KYRA are available at Chique La Boutique, the Multi brand Store that located around the district of local. Chique La Boutique also having many famous local brand that the profit can support economy for Abu Dhabi itself. In Riyadh, KYRA are available at MIRA Y MANO the luxury retailer that most famous in Riyadh. This is some of pictures that KYRA are available in Middle East Store :

Blue Salon Showroom, Doha

Where to find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA

Blue Salon Showroom – Doha

Managed by Abulssa Holding, Blue Salon has been Qatar’s leading luxury department store for over 3 decade, operating as an luxury retail store by offering the latest in fashion, handbags, watches, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, home decor & travel gear. The industry leader represent hundreds of retail brands in Qatar, including high end fashion handbags, watches, jewelry, perfumes, and more.


Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East


Locate in Prince Turki Bin Abdulaziz Al awwal, Road, Riyadh Mira Y Mano offering a Luxury Handbag Brand from all around the world that held in 1 store, Mira Y Mano has an offer that can ship 24 hours for Riyadh area and exclusive point for those who but in store also online.

Chique La Boutique, Abu Dhabi

Find Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA in Middle East

Chique La Boutique – Abu Dhabi

Chique La Boutique is Multi brand boutique that held in the district of Local people. This Boutique retail shop are most famous for Abu Dhabi Local that has many various luxury brand all over the world.

There are 3 of KYRA point of sales in Middle East, there is another store and stockist locator in Middle East also Indonesia. As Luxury Handbag Brand, KYRA always to try to be near in front of you. If you want to find KYRA in Middle East, you have an access to see the collection. If you want to find KYRA by online you can visit the website If you want to see the instagram you can click HERE. If you want to reach KYRA representative by Whatsapp you can click HERE. We are very glad to meet you!




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