If you are the collector of handbag especially Luxury Handbags, You should see the new collection of KYRA, Luxury Handbag brand from Indonesia. KYRA established since 2013, a handbag designer from Indonesia that focus on precious leather and authentic design. With the innovation style, color, and mix material, KYRA positioning itself to be the first Indonesian Handbag Brand that goes worldwide.
As Luxury Handbag brand, KYRA brings the elegance design together with the multi function but still in classy style. KYRA launch the collection in every year for 2 times, Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter also in every special moment such Eid Fitr and Eid Adha, because the market of KYRA itself is in Middle East which celebrate the Eid special day.KYRA now has a 8 point of sale in Middle East such Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi. KYRA has a typical woman that spread in Middle East that using KYRA bags.
KYRA Typical Woman
Husna Malik from Qatar
KYRA has launch in Qatar since 2019, we spread the market into Middle East such Qatar because the demand and market in Qatar are very welcome with KYRA. They love the style and design from KYRA, the luxury color that KYRA made are very fits in Qatari Ladies. As Luxury Handbag Brand, KYRA serve the Qatari market with the elegance and Luxury that the Qatari market very like, they very loved the elegance and Luxury because the local in Qatar mostly are reach people, they want to be treated like a Queen and King as they are very wealthy, so as Luxury Handbag brand KYRA gives them the high end quality handbags with gold accessories and premium material. The photos above is Husna, the influencers of Qatari that very famous, her style are very representing of KYRA that has a glamour looks with Luna design in Pink Gold color.
Roaa Alsabban from Dubai
Roaa Al Sabban is most famous TV presenter, Public Figure, and Entrepreuner that lived in Dubai. She also loves KYRA at the first sight, KYRA sent a few of the products as she requested as she really fallin in love with KYRA. As Luxury Handbag brand KYRA create the signature of Roaa Al Sabban which is butterfly patch that can be attach/detach in every bags, the patches are only launch in Dubai region as the identity of Roaa Al Sabban. The photos above is Roaa Al Sabban with Rubby Small in Hologram color.
Chadan from Kuwait
Chadan is an influencers, Entrepreuners, models form Kuwait that loves kyra so much. Chadan loves KYRA and following KYRA since 2015, she choose Valerie the beauty clutch from My Dream Universe collection with caramel color. As Luxury Handbag brand KYRA fits the market to Kuwait that highlighting the clutch style in Kuwait country to serve what people like in there and to be the trendsetter to all people in Kuwait
So, if you are in Middle East region that seaching for Luxury Handbag Brand you can visit KYRA website in here or if you want to see the Instagram page of KYRA you can see in here, KYRA will be glad to be contacted with you, so you can chat directly with Representative here . Thank you we are glad to reach with you
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