Where to buy Luxury Handbag Brand in Southeast Asia

Where to buy Luxury Handbag Brand in Southeast Asia

من أين تشتري ماركة حقائب اليد الفاخرة في جنوب شرق آسيا

إذا كنت تبحث عن ماركة حقيبة يد فاخرة في جنوب شرق آسيا ، فما الذي يدور في ذهنك حتى تتمكن من العثور عليها؟ هل سمعت من قبل أن إندونيسيا هي واحدة من المنتجين لحقيبة يد فاخرة كعلامة تجارية وأيضا واحدة من الدول المتخصصة في تصديرمعظم الجلود الثمينة في العالم

تأسست كيرا منذ عام 2013 في جاكرتا ، وهي واحدة من العلامات التجارية لحقائب اليد الفاخرة في إندونيسيا والتي تعتمد على الجلود الثمينة المنتشرة في جميع أنحاء العالم ، ولديها 10 نقاط بيع منتشرة في جميع أنحاء العالم مثل دبي وقطر والمملكة العربية السعودية وإندونيسيا. إذا كنت تبحث عن ماركة حقائب يد فاخرة تعتمد على الجلد الثمين ، فإن كيرا ستكون أفضل رفيق لك بوظائفها المتعددة وأسلوبها ولونها المبتكر الذي يجعل ملابسك اليومية ومناسبتك الخاصة أكثر فخامة

صمم زي يومك مع كيرا


Where to buy Luxury Handbag Brand in Southeast Asia

Luna Honey Blue

لونا هو الأسلوب الأكثر مبيعا منذ إطلاقه ، مع قفل توقيع ذهبي قوي للإغلاق في المنتصف ، وشكل صندوقي معظم مع حمالة أنيقة بسيطة أو حقيبة كتف ،تُحدّث لونا ملابسك و تكون أكثر بروزا عند ارتدائها بلون مخطط مثل البيج أو الأبيض أو الأسود وغيرها. سيكون الاستخدام الأمثل للملابس اليومية وأيضا المناسبات الخاصة.كعلامة تجارية للحقائب الفاخرة ، تقدم لك كيرا الأفضل بتصميم جذاب و ألوان متنوعة

روبي مايكرو

Where to buy Luxury Handbag Brand in Southeast Asia

Rubby Micro in Beige

هي علامة تجارية جديدة من الأكثر مبيعا لدينا، روبي يأتي مع حزامين قابلين للفصل يمكن استخدامهما لحقيبة الحزام وأيضا بمثابة حقيبة حبال. روبي مايكرو يمكن أن يعمل المقبض للحمل اليدوي بشكل دائري فريد يبرز ملابسك ، و لون روبي مايكرو فريد جدا في الغالب مثل الأزرق والأخضر الليموني والباترسكوتش والخردل الذي لا تفكر فيه أي علامات تجارية أخرى. كعلامة تجارية فاخرة لحقائب اليد كيرا تفكر بأشياء جديدة

لونا سكوير

Where to buy Luxury Handbag Brand in Southeast Asia

Luna Square Persian Gold

يأتي من مجموعة ايل فياجيو لربيع وصيف 2019 لونا سكويرهي ثورة جديدة من لونا من مجموعة ماي دريم ونيفرسي كولكشن.

هذه الأنماط 3 أعلاه هي الأكثر مبيعا من كيرا منذ إطلاقها ، فهي تأتي من مجموعة ايل فياجيو و دريم ونيفرسي كولكشن والمزيد. يمكنك العثور عليه من خلال موقع الويب :

انظر حالة العرض في انستغرام هنا كما يمكنك الدردشة مباشرة على واتساب الخاص بنا هنا. أكملي أسلوبك و إطلالتك مع كيرا وابحثي عن ماركة حقائب اليد الفاخرة الخاصة بك في جنوب شرق آسيا فقط في كيرا

4 Ways Qatar Introduce Islam Through World Cup 2022

4 Ways Qatar Introduce Islam Through World Cup 2022

4 Ways Qatar Introduce Islam Through World Cup 2022

Qatar is mentioned to be the first Islamic country to host a world football party or the World Cup. Because of that, Qatar took advantage of this moment as an arena to promote islam to the world by maintaining the values adopted in the country.

There are number of ways that Qatar has implemented islamic values through this grand sporting event. Starting from the opening ceremony which involved reciting verses from the holy Qur’an to hearing the call to pray in stadium.

  • Opened with Holy Qur’an

The opening of World Cup 2022 at Al Bayt Stadium on Sunday (20/11/2022) was also enlivened by the chanting of snippets of the holy Qur’an, especially the letter of Al Hujurat verse 13. The chant was sung by a Youtuber from Qatar named Ghanim Al Muftah who accompanied by American actor, Morgan Freeman.

  • Mural Hadits

Doha New reported, Qatar also presented hadith murals installed at a number of strategic points in Doha. As if welcoming invited guests from other countries, Qatar promotes islam through the hadits of Rasulullah SAW which contain reminder a good deeds.

  • Islamic Introduction Barcode in Hotel

Some of hotels in Doha are specifically designed to install barcode in guest rooms. According to Aljazeera the barcode is intended as a default to introduce islam which is displayed in many language.

“The barcode directs you to the Qatar Ministry of Waqf and Islamic affair page. It’s first display presents a choice of languages that users can choose from, then the display will lead to an introduction to Islam’s profile” wrote Aljazeera, quoted on Wednesday (23/11/2022).

  • Beer and LGBT+ are banned

Drinking beer is illegal in Qatar which is in line with Islamic rules. As the host, Qatar prohibits the action of drinking alcohol in all Qatar world cup stadiums. However, FIFA has lobby specifically for the World Cup 2022 committee to accommodate supporters who come from the countries such as Europe and Latin America.

If you are in Qatar while in World Cup and willing to buy a gift for Family, you can visit our stockist store named Blue Salon. Blue Salon is one of Largest retail luxury store in Doha, Qatar. The address is in C Ring Rd, Doha. You can find our new collection there. As a Luxury Handbag Brand KYRA will always try to available at your near home as well, and if you want to look the catalog you can visit our website, our instagram HERE, and if you want to reach us directly on Whatsapp please click here, We are very glad to meet you!



8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

8 Interesting Fact in Qatar World Cup 20222

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Hi people! World Cup 2022 are already started, this is the first time that World Cup are held in Middle East. Specifically in Qatar, have you know there is a few interesting fact on FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 ? Here is some information we got that you should to know :

  • The First World Cup held in Winter season

World Cup event on previous year are held in May, June, or July. But on this year, the tournament are held in November and December. It is purposes to avoid the scorching summer heat in Qatar. As we know, on summer at Middle East are very hot, even the people of Qatar themselves are often travel out of town in the summer to avoid scorching heat in Qatar.

  • The First World Cup in Arab World

This tournament is also the second World Cup to be Held entirely in Asia, after the 2002 World Cup in South Korean and Japan

  • The World Cup that has stadium close to each other

Qatar is a small country. Moving from one stadium to another is not a big problem because of the very small size of country. Host cities such as Doha, Lusail, Al Wakrah, and Al Rayyan are located nearby. This keeps all of the stadium use for World Cup close together so the team and fans don’t have to fly between games like in other tournaments.

  • The First World Cup Stadium that can be disassembled

The stadium used in World Cup Qatar was built from 974 shipping containers. Later these containers will be dismantled after the tournament and converted into a new waterfront development.

  • Most Small host country

With population of 2,985 million (as of September 2022) and land area of 11,571 square meters, Qatar is the smallest host country ever.

  • The First female referee in World Cup

Football is identified with the world of men. However in 2022 Qatar World Cup, there will be 3 female referee lead the match, namely Yamashita Yoshimi, Salima Mukansangan, and Stephanie Frappart.

  • Unique Logo

The Qatar 2022 World Cup logo has the shape of 2 circles that resemble the number 8. This year World Cup mascot is named La’eeb which taken from the Arabic word for “Very talented player”. The number 8 describes the 8 stadium that will be used in World Cup 2022. Meanwhile, indentation dives from the top circle to the bottom, depicting the waves of desert dunes that make up the landscape of the bay country. In addition, the logo at the form of number 8 has unlimited line as infinity symbol. This illustrates the World Cup 2022 which is expected to be enjoyed by all levels of society around the world.

  • The World Cup ball are special made from Indonesia

The Al Rihla is official ball of Qatar 2022 and it’s the specially design for World Cup 2022 and reported as the fastest ball in the air. We as Indonesian people are proud that it’s the first time of Indonesia to create the ball that official for World Cup event.

If you are in Qatar right now and willing to buy some gift for family, you can visit Blue Salon at Doha, Blue Salon is the showroom of Luxury brand such as KYRA. We are available in Blue Salon Group that spread in many place such Blue Salon Showroom in Al Sadd, Doha, Takara Accessories Mall of Qatar, Takara Accessories The Pearl , and Highland the Mall. KYRA are available at all Blue Salon branch mention above. As Luxury Handbag Brand we are trying to be availabe in every country especially in Middle East. So if you are searching for gifts for you beloved one and family you should visit BlueSalon and Group so you can find us there. Or maybe you can directly visit our website here, reach us on Whatsapp here, or you can visit our instagram here. We are very glad to meet you!










Exclusive Luxury Handbag Brand

Exclusive Luxury Handbag Brand

Exclusive Luxury Handbag Brand

Exclusive Luxury Handbag Brand

Exclusive Luxury Handbag BrandKYRA is one of the exclusive luxury handbag brand on south east asia, Indonesia who are go internationally. We sell every inch of our bag on UAE, USA, Europe & Asia.

What’s make our bag are so special for our audience? We always make its bag exclusive for one of any bags, and as a luxury handbag brand we want to provide the best quality handbag for you with providing and presenting exotic leather handbag for handbag brand owner who always waiting for our collection.

What the point of you buy KYRA Bags and made its different than any other fashion luxury handbag brand?

1.KYRA Made Exotic Leather

Using an exotic leather skin for now are really rare, We know there’s a lot of luxury handbag item brand are still using a synthetic & cow leather as their main materials to build and crafting the bags. KYRA is one of the fashion luxury handbag brand that use exotic leather skin for the materials and makes it unique than the any other brands.

2.You can find KYRA anywhere on UAE

Works with many of retails store, We want to make sure that our item are handed on the retail store so for you who dont like to wait for a few days to this handbag craft you can still buy our available stock item on retail store.

3.Our price are competitive

Many of fashion luxury handbag brand are really on high pricing but are the same with the any other brands, On KYRA we highly recommend you to buy one of our item to try yourself our luxury handbag brand are really good quality who can accompaniment you with your daily style and match all your outfit.

Finest Luxury International Bag Factory

Finest Luxury International Bag Factory

Finest Luxury Handbag Brand

Finest Luxury Handbag Brand

Finest Luxury International Bag Factory– Finding the finest luxury international bag factory only on KYRA bags. We established since 1985 and be the one of international bag factory who provide exclusivity and elegancy for you who really loved handbag with exotic leather skin.

Since 1985 we always provide the best handbag to accompany your needs through design and best quality who can fit your style and make you looks pretty while using it with KYRA as the one of the finest luxury handbag brand.

So whats make KYRA bags are different than the any other luxury handbag brand?

1. Personalize

KYRA are personalize for its own user, We made it special for you who are made by order to make its fresh from oven. We always provide the best quality handbag with personalize crafting to user who buy our products!

2. Exclusive

If you wearing KYRA bags as the finest luxury handbag brand, We always provide exlusivity by custom it really detail. Our team who experienced of crafting a handbag are really made it with the experience that they had to give an exclusivity.

3. Competitive Price

As a luxury handbag brand most people were had a problem with any price since we know there’s a lot of luxury handbag brand are really expensive for a handbag lovers. So we have an option for you to get a luxury handbag brand with competitive price and using an exotic leather skin who are really hot item for handbag lovers.

So if you looking for a luxury handbag brand who can fit your style and be an accompany item as a leather accessories for you, KYRA is the one best choice for you!


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